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Created 29-Dec-09
Modified 5-Oct-24
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Stock/Editorial Licensing ~ Cover Shots, Layouts and BannersIn Memory of Yellowstone's '06 Female Wolf / 832f / She Wolf / American Wolf / 0-Six / The She Wolf / Die WolfinYellowstone Wolves'06 Female / First Session: 2009Yellowstone Winter 2024My FavoritesLatest ShotsDeadwood ShowcaseBirds By The WaterLandscapesRaptorsSmall WorldBlack BearsCoyotesPeacockFoxAmphibians, ReptilesGrizzly BearsWinter WonderlandBob CatsBisonPronghornElkMarine LifeCalifornia CoastMooseWolf vs BisonBighornMojave DesertDeerChristmas in Yosemite 2015Fall ColorsDays of SummerSpringtimeLunar Eclipse: April 14-15,2014Partial Solar Eclipse: 4-8-24 ~ Los Angeles, CA.Yellowstone Winter 2020Yellowstone Winter 2019Yellowstone Spring 2018Yellowstone Winter 2018Yellowstone Spring 2017Yellowstone Winter 2017Yellowstone Spring 2016Yellowstone Winter 2016Yellowstone / Grand Teton - Fall 2015Yellowstone Spring 2015Yellowstone Winter 2015Yellowstone / Grand Teton - Fall 2014Yellowstone Spring 2014Yellowstone Winter 2014Yellowstone Spring 2013Yellowstone Winter 2013Yellowstone~Grand Teton~ Spring 2012Yellowstone Winter 2012Yellowstone Spring 2011Yellowstone Winter 2011"Captive"Special Event

Guestbook for ~ Embracing Nature Gallery ~
Randy Hennigan
Great photos. 06 was a magnificent animal. American Wolf was a great book!
Ray Jacobs(non-registered)
Great pictures, certainly shows the artistic side of your wor!
Christophe Boucher(non-registered)
Awesome Pictures ! I didn't know there was a guestbook to comment. I love browsing your pictures.
Dr Rin Porter(non-registered)
Your work is just beautiful. It must take oceans of patience and a great deal of skill to capture the animals on digital media and film. Thank you for offering it for us to see.
Frances Goff(non-registered)
I'm here today to get my new e-mail in your guestbook. I love looking at your beautiful wolves.
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